Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Facebook groups=not news worthy

Instead of ranting away to any unfortunate enough to be within earshot or annoy people via social networking or Internerd Forums or yell at the TV or think of something witty and incisive and then forget it when something else wonders into my sphere of being I'll just blog now; "stream of conciousness" stylee..

Haven't slept and I've got the news on and those fonts of knowledge on Sunrise are wanting people to email and txt in their responses to the questions about digital "vandalism" on Facebook..I've just Googled this site so I'll read it I guess:


Oh, seems they want people to "sign" some sort of online petition called "Face Up to Bullying" and they just had Nick Xenophon on Sunrise blagging off about having an "Internet Ombudsmen" for regulating online behaviour and "naming and shaming" people and other such blah blah that if you have even an inkling of how the Internet works is beyond simplistic and ridiculous to believe it'd be possible. It's not even worth discussing really-try to imagine how many posts, comments and other publicly viewable digital communications are made daily and how someone would possibly be able to regulate every single one if you don't get what I mean-so I'll just move on to spouting off about this Facebook disussion on mainstream media angle.

There's been a (personally) alarming increase in the last year or so by mostly television news outlets in referring to Facebook groups as adding weight to the relevance of certain events or issues; as if some Facebook user starting a "group" (which takes about 2 mins max) and several hundred or thousand people with varying levels of interest (from passing to deep seated) have joined this "group" by simply pushing a button proves some amazing point about the societal relevance of the issue or event at hand. This is just patently idiotic.

Pushing the belief that a Facebook group shows that a large number of real people passionately support some issue or feel deeply about something via a television news show assumes that the viewer is stupid enough to blindly believe it-which it could be disputed is what most TV news is about-rather than rationally juxtapose it against more relevant real life based groups that require far more effort to become members of or causes which it takes more effort to show support of and "call bullshit" on the TV news folks for mentioning a Facebook group in relation to the news item discussed. Facebook groups are, on the whole, completely pointless in relation to affecting any sort of real world change.

Rather than mentioning some of the pointless Facebook groups I'm a member of (like "SEAL CLUBBING WITH SEVERED PANDAS LIMBS") I'm going to go start a FB group called "Facebook groups are completely irrelevant" and see if I get many members..

Don't let them make you stupider

PS All Facebook groups have Administrators (and "officers' sometimes) who have the power to remove/regulate any and all posts made to a Facebook group and ban people who join from being members so if someone's trolling your Group's page and you don't remove them then you're the one responsible not "Facebook" (Sunrise have been referring to Facebook as an entity)..